Transportation infrastructure

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Transportation infrastructure

In addition to the traditional fields of supplying scientific and technological equipment, specialized security equipment, oil and gas equipment and laboratory equipment. In recent years, Vijatech company has diversified its business development by expanding the development of products and services in the fields of aviation, road, railway and waterway:

  • Aviation: Vijatech specializes in supplying and installing airport technology equipment, which mainly includes means, inspection and screening equipment, security monitoring and protection equipment, monitoring systems, technical and quality control rooms, electrical equipment and runway signal light system, instrument landing system (ILS) for runways, a dedicated service vehicle fleet in the airport. In addition, the company also provides equipment for detecting toxic chemicals, detecting radioactive substances, equipment for aircraft testing, control systems, telecommunications, and signs.
  • Road: Vijatech focuses on developing, supplying and installing an intelligent transportation system (ITS) applied to highways to improve transportation capacity, smooth traffic and control traffic safety, including the supply and the installation of CCTV traffic surveillance camera systems installed in large cities to capture, control the congestion and control the traffic order and safety.
  • Railways and waterways: Besides the development of road and air traffic, the synchronous development and modernization of the railway and waterway system are also in the company’s orientation. Vijatech is capable of supplying and installing VTS waterway traffic control system, buoy system, warning signs and noise-proof equipment, signs serving railways, etc.